Two-player fighting game mixed with an endless runner style arena, full of random obstacles and a never-ending wave of bloodthirsty fish with crazy hairdos.
Our submission to the Cyberpunk Jam, during which we falsely assumed that all judges and potential players would own an Xbox 360 game pad (essential for playing it the right way). Short story: probably no one played the game as it was intended to, thus no one appreciated the effort it took to make all those cyber-goggles for the fish…
It’s a “mano a mano” fight to the death, where you can obliterate your foe by a ring out into the cold space, punching his stupid face twice, or by feeding him to the fishes (literally).

How To Play
• PLAYER 1: left analog stick to move and LB to use the jet attack.• PLAYER 2: right analog stick to move and RB to use the jet attack.