What do toddlers do when there is no guardian around to keep an eye on them? Unspeakable horror, that’s what! Experience firsthand the true cruelty of unsupervised children – the younger they are, the purer their malice and vicious blood lust. Babality is a “mano a mano” brawler where underdeveloped kids tear each other to shreds, for the amusement of other young monsters. It’s best played with two X360 controllers, but it can also be enjoyed with a keyboard.

How To Play

Controls (X360 pad):
• left analog - moves character left and right
• right analog (left/right) - swings the weapon
• right bumper - jump

Controls (keyboard):

• A and D moves character left and right
• W is for jump
• G and H swings the weapon

• Arrows left and right move the character
• Up arrow is for jump
• ">" and "/" swing the weapon