Arcade’ish aRPG made for a 3-weeks gamejam.
One day, Dous is summoned by the chief of the village. They learn that the world protector Rastrus has been defeated by the evil dragon Demonius. As the best hunter in the area, Dous is sent to the Dragon Mountain to convince Rastrus to continue fighting and saving the world. It is up to the player if they can handle it together.
Other info:
• Remember about strafe and using items.
• Remember, that you don’t have to fulfil all quests. You can just push yourself through the levels with force.

How To Play
Installation (!):• Download the game.
• Install "RPG Maker XP RTP" from here
• Double click / install the "batang.ttc" font from the project folder.
• You can play the game <3